

click the headers
everything MIT licensed

Type in some text that you want to make tweets out of, and it'll tell you where each tweet starts and the next ends

The plan

1. User types in textarea
2. On input change, display text in a div underneath
3. On input change, compute divider positions:
3a. every 280 characters, up to end of text
4. On input change, in div with copied text, insert spans with bolded | where the tweets would divide it
this worked, but #4 was quite a bit harder than thought - you can't just insert something at a specific position in a string; if you do, subsequent insertion positions will be wrong, so you need to split the text into sections first, then join them together with the inserted text

This is a graph of all the patterns in Christopher Alexander's amazingly good A Pattern Language.

Click a node to highlight its edges, double-click it to open the pattern in a new tab

Records what links you click on (in local memory!) and where you were when you clicked on them, and adds them to a stack, so you can go back to where you were when you clicked the link (look in the top right).

The plan
window.scrollY + window.innerHeight === document.body.scrollHeight
1. Add an onclick handler to the <a>s that have a specific class
2. In the function, call event.preventDefault();
2.1. Add window.scrollY (aka window.pageYOffset) and the link's href and name to the stack
2.2 When you click on a link in the stack, remove/hide everything above it
2.3 When you click back in the stack, pop
Access of transcription factors to DNA


What's the mechanism for macro-evolutionary changes?#




Splicing enzymes#

splicing enzyme mutations

Non-coding DNA#

Transcription factors#

Environmental regulation of when genes are activate
Change the context that proteins function in, when genes are expressing: if "x" is happening outside a cell, then activate this gene



Access of transcription factors to DNA#

Permanently change whether transcription factors can act


Splicing enzyme mutations#

Imagine you have a gene coded for by 3 exons A B C, and messenger RNA that includes all of them + the introns.
A splicing enzyme comes along and removes the introns and exons, forming the mature protein.

There's an exponential increase in the # of TFs you need to take advantage of all the possible combinations of networks of gene expression.
Little changes in genes that code for TFs, splicing enzymes, promoters, -> big consequences

Transposons - jumping genes#

Transposable genetic elements also brings up the possibility of moving around parts of genes, not just regulatory elements, but how would you do that?
Exons - for example, steriod hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, work like this:
Access of transcription factors to DNA


Not even started this yet

What would a long form article designed to be read in small batches of time ideally look like?

so what I usually want from games (being able to play a couple of hours/week at most) is a reminder "what was I about to do?" and "what are the controls again?" - so maybe some kind of overview, and quick re-intro to what was already covered?